
Sagewood Early Learning Success

Working with Jay on this project has been another great experience.

Jay always wants to innovate on each of her centres and this time was no different. She gives us great insight into her business and the daily routines in the centre which helps in the design process. We receive great, constructive feedback from her and her team about the furniture which is good for development and reaching a fantastic final result.

As a start, I took inspiration from the architecture of the centre. Through the middle runs a wall of round windows in different sizes which gave me ideas for shapes and patterns to the custom pieces we created. For example: Jay wanted to divide the two toddler rooms with a wall unit providing multiple functions. For this we did two little hideaway nooks that could be accessed from each side of the rooms but also cuts them off with a removable window panel so that kids can’t crawl through from one room to the other. The wall unit also offers a home corner, dress up area and a lot of storage space. Through great communication with Jay and the building team, we could deliver the units to fit nicely in the space. We also created a curved breakfast bar and play house to go with this rounded theme among other units.

It has been so fun and developing to work on this project and I am looking forward to working with Jay on her next! – Elinor, Starex Designer

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Bright Future Park Ridge

Taking Wendy on our Starex journey was a pleasure. We started from scratch and created a full centre proposal along with some bespoke items that we felt would fit within Wendy’s centre.

Wendy was a dream to work with. She knew exactly what she wanted after gathering a very clear brief from her and it was great guiding her through our Starex journey. I LOVED seeing Wendy’s photo with Ridge the kiwi and hearing that everything went super smooth with the delivery and arrival of the furniture. We put so much into the packing process to ensure everything arrives in perfect condition, so there is always excitement from our end when the containers are opened by the customer in Australia.

It’s so exciting to be a part of creating amazing spaces for children and this project was a pleasure to work on, creating a fantastic early childhood environment for Australian children. We cannot wait to work with Wendy again! – Melissa Cooke, Director

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Sagewood Early Learning Canning Vale

Working with Jay is always such a wonderful journey, 

After working closely on her Sagewood centre we are very humbled to be able to create amazing spaces for her new centre in Canning Vale.

Its such a privilege to be able to work on such high quality centres, knowing that the care and detail we put into our furniture pieces, will be echoed in the teaching and appreciation of learning that happens in these special places.

With Canning Vale, we worked alongside Jay and she communicated her vision to us. From there we worked the Starex magic and came up with some classic designs that will function within the space that the centre has.

As with all our centre clients we adjusted our designs adding parts here and there until we got the 100% tick of approval from Jay.

The rest was left up to our amazing team in here in the Factory in Tauranga, to craft from the highest quality materials pieces that will last in the high use ECE environment.

I hope we can work with Jay again soon – Dan

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